Friday 25 April 2008

Reflections Of A Reformed Techie

So, been a couple of weeks and I promised myself I'd continue to blog, regardless if people read it or not.

So what's been in happening in this life of mine, well quite a few things really, so lets start from last week.

Firstly, Dom finished with me, she decided that she's better off going to Canada, and various other reasons why it wouldnt work out between us, namely she didn't love me anymore. But that is life and I just have to let it be. So C'est la vie!

So onwards and upwords and life goes on... very fast if your me apparently! Needless to say, plans are a foot for this weekend and I shall inform all of my readers (maybe all 1 of them) if anything good happens!

Anyway, I was contemplating going to finish my degree (only 9 months or so to do), but too much arsing around to make it happen, so at the moment, i'm happy doing what I'm doing. The cash is good, my colleagues are great, and thats all that has to be said on the matter. It would of been nice to do the degree... but i can do it anytime!

Black rose tavern antics.. great fun as usual. We were even down a man.. well woman.. 1st half we were getting beaten.. but in true fashion we came back and won! So go us!
A vital tip for anyone who reads this... If you go to the black rose tavern in Edinburgh, make sure you have some pudding (desert), and get the chocolate cake thing... it's great! Like seriously great! Might also have planned a group trip to NYC.. who knows!!!

As for me in general, life's good, haven't quite figured out if i'm coming or going or whatever, but at least it's an improvement over feeling "bored with life". As of today.. it has been decided that I will formally invade Australia next year, go visit my Aunt, Unc and my big cousin, get a tan and try the Aussie experience for a month! Needless to say.. I can't wait!

Well that's all your getting just now.. will hopefully blog again in a couple of weeks!!

Oh yeah, final note.. Ubuntu 8.04... all I will say just now is uberness! More on this later!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...


greetings from China :-)

Give us a full report on the event of next weekend plz! IF i dont make it hehehe