Sunday 27 April 2008

Sunny Sunday

Ok, so again i'm actually more wasting time with this post than actually being constructive.

Despite it being Scotland, we have been known to actually get sun.. well today was one of those days.. 16.5 degree's (Celcius), now I know to some of you, that isnt that hot.. but to us.. well it's great weather (read below about "You know your from Scotland..")

Spent the morning annoying my 4yr old cousin.. there's no planning anymore, all I have to do is pick up something and he instantly wants it, then whinges when he doesn't get it. Cruel, yes, but it does provide a lil bit of comedy relief when he strops off in the humph!

Other than that, not much to report at the moment, cleaned my car (surprised how much paper i've gathered since the last time I cleaned it).

So despite being a short post, i'll wrap this up by sharing a song that I can't get out of my head at the moment..

Worringly it's not my usual taste of metal, but it's actually a good song!

Oh and on a final note, yesterday I submitted my CV for a job in Belgium.. doing exactly what i'm doing now, but maybe a bit more involved.. i dunno.

Anyway thats all for now!

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