Saturday 12 April 2008

Life and all that stuff...

So, anybody bored with life as I am? I´m not suicidal, but I do not desire life either. I´m just bored with everything. I continually go to work, come home and do nothing, except for wed nights at the black rose (which is the highlight of my week). Otherwise, i'm starting to find it boring and repetitive, I mean don't get me wrong, i have a great group of friends and they know I'd do anything for them, but other aspects of my life seem to be lacking....

The only thoughts that pass through my head are "I went to school for this?", a life that has no real excitment, no real anything. Just that one night a week where I can chill, relax with friends and have some good "banter". Are we all slaves to the paycheque? Is this what we went through education for?

Otherwise, general update on life..

Still employed at wolfson, got a menial payrise.. apparently lucky to get it.

Was in Texas 5 weeks ago, had a great time with Dominique, I hope she had the same
Note for future travellers.. never wear black in Texas... also wear lots of sunblock or you'll go from white to burnt in under 2hrs..

Otherwise, Just working away, nothing special..

Karaoke on wed night.. I actually sang with 3 other guys... Video might appear soon!

Otherwise thats it.. nothing spectacular to report, nothing life changing (well apart from the boredom), and nothing new at the moment.

Lesson at the end of the day.. life sucks!

Any suggestions on hobbies etc.. appreciated :)

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