Saturday 10 January 2009

Locked In Brutal Nothingness...

First post of 2009 and only 6 months late from when I should of actually posted.. oops!

So, even though that tickers been doing sweet F*#K all, except for me occasionally checking to see if it's clocking up.. infact I think I shall remove it.

Firstly where to start, oh my xbox 360... oh man where to begin..
The past few weeks I've been hitting Battlefield bad company pretty hard (xmas holidays, some free time and well, generally nothing better to do in this shitty weather). Anyway, my Xbox started to crash and yet continues to do so. So being a sensible person, I decided to call M$, apparently the warranty is expired and it'll cost me £60 to get it looked at... F#!k that.
So then the non sensible side kicked in and well, I decided to try and open it, a challenge without the proper tools and my fingers are all shredded now... I wish that I could muster authentic rage, but I loved that thing. I feel more like I'm burying a Goddamned pet.

What else is new... I seen slipknot in December.. absoloutley fantastic gig! Machine head supporting, with Children of Bodom!

I finally got a flatmate, but however this is not working out so well, he's very arrogant, lazy and well generally a pain in the arse, so I'll be kicking him out soon! Plus, it's time to start the flat renovations!

I've been seeing a new girl, slightly older, but I don't care about that. She's great, funny, beautiful, pretty much everything I like, but alas she has a hectic work schedule!

Nothing new on the hobby front yet really, just trying to save up to get the flat done, then I'll look into buying my DSLR camera! Also looking at joining a gym to kill the time.

Anyway, that is all for now folks, need to start cooking. Oh yeah, final note, decided to start getting in shape, so this years resolutions are.

-Give up non social drinking (aka: no drinking in a house, has to be a bar or restaurant)
-Give up Soft drinks (coke a cola, fanta etc etc)
-Give up eating non freshly made food (good by frozen crap)

Currently the results appear to be good, feel like i'm losing weight, but we shall see in a week when I hit the scales!

Anyway bye for now folks!

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