Friday 16 January 2009

Further Songs of a madman

So here we are 2nd post of 2009, it's now Friday the 16th of January and it's 3 days to go until my freaking B'day folks!!!!!

So whats new this week? Well nothing much, that chick that I talked about in my last blag, decided to have "The Talk" last night, so i'm pretty much expecting that I will be a single man at some point this weekend (Shitty way to go onto your b'day huh?) But I will blog more on this after I've had confirmation.

So what else? Well completed the wonderful 2nd week of work, didn't exactly do much to be fair! Had Monday off, so I partook in a monthly ritual of getting the hair cut (free head massage thrown in!) and generally dossed around in the cold capital. Unfort, not a lot going on there these days, so nothing really to report, well except the god damned tram works, but less said the better.

What else?! Black rose, ah yes, my beloveded tavern, how I missed thee.. but I'm back! Pub quiz nights! Huzzah! Funnily, with a reduced team, we actually won :)

Otherwise it's been pretty quiet, i've been bored out of my mind (apart from when I've actually done stuff), so it looks as if joining the gym will actually go ahead!

Anyway that is all blag readers, until next time, I'll leave you with this music video (I seem to be listening to more of my old music).

Papa roach - Scars

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