Sunday 20 July 2008

We're still screwed..

So we're nearing the end of July.. what is there to report? Well not a lot to be fair. Over the past few weeks I've been struggling to keep myself occupied which is resulting in me being bored.. a lot! Although I've started weight lifting agian to sort of distract me, perhaps I will move that onto running when I get a flat mate.

Otherwise there's not a lot to report! I really haven't done much except work! However there's advantages to me working lots, none of which I can go into detail about i'm afraid!

(of course the assert d0esn't work)


Just so there's no mass panic.. i've deleted my bebo account. Why? Well it sucks, I use facebook more these days anyway (it's just "cleaner", perhaps i'm a neat monster).

Oh and on the FFIINNAALLL Note (yes, this time for real!) Here's the one thing I hate about commuting across the Forth Road Bridge..

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