Saturday 19 July 2008

GNOME today, GONE tomorrow...

So I mentioned a while back that I was using Ubuntu "Hardy Heron", and never gave my feedback.. well apart from 2 issues.. it's great! The first issue being that I can't VPN into my work, but I believe that could be more to do with my ports than actual Ubuntu, then there's also the fact that I can't use Teamspeak.. microphone seems to be bugged, but there's a guide on Ubuntu Forums on fixing that!

I was contemplating getting a new machine for gaming.. but I really don't need to (since the only game I play is Eve online anyway, and they have an official Linux client, but.. the normal windows version works better under WINE).

However in light of this, I need a portable option and I think i'm going to check out Dells open source laptops (apparently they'll be adding a few more machines into the range). So we shall see.

Not much else to report on it just now, i'll include an obligatory screen shot (yes it does look like a mac).
Oh and for anyone bitching about Linux being hard to learn...

"Anyone claiming that using Linux is difficult has not tried to understand women. Ever"

Thats all for now folks!

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