Sunday 27 July 2008

Update to settings

Unregistered users can now comment, i've seen the sites stats start to increase, but still comments from the one and only Frans..

So now it's a free for all!

Sunday 20 July 2008

Further proof we're screwed...

"I feel a great disturbance in the Church"

Yup, it's clear Darth Vader has shunned the dark side and is well on his way to redemption. Give him a couple of years and he'll be apologising for Apple.

We're still screwed..

So we're nearing the end of July.. what is there to report? Well not a lot to be fair. Over the past few weeks I've been struggling to keep myself occupied which is resulting in me being bored.. a lot! Although I've started weight lifting agian to sort of distract me, perhaps I will move that onto running when I get a flat mate.

Otherwise there's not a lot to report! I really haven't done much except work! However there's advantages to me working lots, none of which I can go into detail about i'm afraid!

(of course the assert d0esn't work)


Just so there's no mass panic.. i've deleted my bebo account. Why? Well it sucks, I use facebook more these days anyway (it's just "cleaner", perhaps i'm a neat monster).

Oh and on the FFIINNAALLL Note (yes, this time for real!) Here's the one thing I hate about commuting across the Forth Road Bridge..

Saturday 19 July 2008

GNOME today, GONE tomorrow...

So I mentioned a while back that I was using Ubuntu "Hardy Heron", and never gave my feedback.. well apart from 2 issues.. it's great! The first issue being that I can't VPN into my work, but I believe that could be more to do with my ports than actual Ubuntu, then there's also the fact that I can't use Teamspeak.. microphone seems to be bugged, but there's a guide on Ubuntu Forums on fixing that!

I was contemplating getting a new machine for gaming.. but I really don't need to (since the only game I play is Eve online anyway, and they have an official Linux client, but.. the normal windows version works better under WINE).

However in light of this, I need a portable option and I think i'm going to check out Dells open source laptops (apparently they'll be adding a few more machines into the range). So we shall see.

Not much else to report on it just now, i'll include an obligatory screen shot (yes it does look like a mac).
Oh and for anyone bitching about Linux being hard to learn...

"Anyone claiming that using Linux is difficult has not tried to understand women. Ever"

Thats all for now folks!