Saturday 21 June 2008

Living like life's going out of style...

Ok so a bit odd for me to post today, since it's usually every 2nd week, unless i'm bored... maybe i am! Anyway...

Well everything is back to normal around here after my less-than-stellar start to the week. One thing i'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who has forgotten he had an external storage device plugged in, and when windows shows the partitions thought absent-mindedly to himself "hmm, why are they showing my partition twice? Oh well" *delete*. Luckily all my photo's are backed up on several computers and now Flickr! Yes I've started the mass transit of all my stuff there.

What else has come to light this week. Well Steve's girlfriend Tizzy had to get an emergency C section during the week. 17th of June to be exact! Mother and baby are doing well (she's like 6 weeks early?) 3 pounds 4 ounces! So at least that wasn't total failure!

But Congratz to Steve and Tizzy! (oh it also means that Steve can't come out for his final piss up before fatherhood).

My grandmother had to be taken into hospital... One of the thing that really gets me about doctors, especially in my home town. We couldn't get her out of bed, so the doctor pipes up about getting her to Hospital, and we're like "how are we going to get her there, when we can't even get her out of bed?". Well the boy genius didn't think of calling the ambulance, we had to suggest it (apparently the ambulance will charge the doctors for the non emergency call out). But she's getting better now, so it's all good.

Currently... I can sympathise with anyone who has ever had RSI, my right arm is in agony (maybe it's a sign?). Up until now I'd always though RSI meant 'I hate my damn job'.

Anyway, so since i'm typing, may as well give an update!

So whats happened this week? Well nothing too exciting.. was out with Heather again, we went to see "The Happening", not a bad film, not one i'd of paid to see.. but it's watchable.
My Friend Azrael (from Eve online) was in town, so we went out, hit a restaurant then a couple of pubs. Was a good laugh and all on his expenses form!

After several recommendations I'm also starting an Entourage. Seems decent. Anyone want to be in my entourage? I'm not rich or famous, or even all that pretty... but I make a mean spaghetti carbonara. Any takers?

Oh finally... one thing I really do have to say..
EVE Online just released another update, and the trailer is pure sex as usual. I recently decided to stop playing this... but jesus.. i'm thinking of going back... I mean seriously.. look at it.....

Anyway thats this update done and dusted.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

he...he...he... i was actually planning of leaving myself but that movie sure looks pwetty :D