Saturday 9 August 2008

Oops.. delayed posting!

Ok so I know I said I would post every 2 weeks.. but hey i'm a busy guy!!

So busy infact that i've been working weekends.. hopefully for not much longer, so this could call for some shenanigans to celebrate the reinstatement of a semi-normal social life..

So what to report on.. batman rules.. absolutely fantastic movie, great performances from all actors, hopefully there will be a third!!!!! Also.. lots of work... more work and erm.. yeah more work... So considering that Batman is the first time that most of my friends have actually seen me in a long time, shows how much work i've had (last time i seen them was before the wedding!).

However, back in the shire last night. One thing I really found quite shocking whiile reading the news, I came home and found out about this kid in Thailand who ended up killing a taxi driver in the process of hijacking the taxi because he wanted to see if it was as it was in GTA4. My favourite part of the new article is this line:

Police said the youth, an obsessive player of "Grand Theft Auto", showed no sign of mental problems during questioning and had confessed to committing the crime because of the game.'

What? Really? Am I the only one who thinks it's a sign of mental problems the instant he decided to rob and kill a taxi driver, game or no game? I mean there are people who manage to live their entire lives without killing someone else, no matter how many movie's they've watched, games they've played, comic books they've read, or death metal they've listened to (yes I do listen to death metal!!) . So doesn't it stand to reason that perhaps something was just broken in this kid to begin with?

Otherwise life is mainly occupied by work, reading news articles about how idiotic the youth of today is (just shows that Neds aren't the only idiots on this planet) and talking to people on msn!

But until this project finishes.. well I really can't say that I'm doing anything exciting.. depressing yes.. but c'est la vie!

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