Saturday 21 June 2008

Living like life's going out of style...

Ok so a bit odd for me to post today, since it's usually every 2nd week, unless i'm bored... maybe i am! Anyway...

Well everything is back to normal around here after my less-than-stellar start to the week. One thing i'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who has forgotten he had an external storage device plugged in, and when windows shows the partitions thought absent-mindedly to himself "hmm, why are they showing my partition twice? Oh well" *delete*. Luckily all my photo's are backed up on several computers and now Flickr! Yes I've started the mass transit of all my stuff there.

What else has come to light this week. Well Steve's girlfriend Tizzy had to get an emergency C section during the week. 17th of June to be exact! Mother and baby are doing well (she's like 6 weeks early?) 3 pounds 4 ounces! So at least that wasn't total failure!

But Congratz to Steve and Tizzy! (oh it also means that Steve can't come out for his final piss up before fatherhood).

My grandmother had to be taken into hospital... One of the thing that really gets me about doctors, especially in my home town. We couldn't get her out of bed, so the doctor pipes up about getting her to Hospital, and we're like "how are we going to get her there, when we can't even get her out of bed?". Well the boy genius didn't think of calling the ambulance, we had to suggest it (apparently the ambulance will charge the doctors for the non emergency call out). But she's getting better now, so it's all good.

Currently... I can sympathise with anyone who has ever had RSI, my right arm is in agony (maybe it's a sign?). Up until now I'd always though RSI meant 'I hate my damn job'.

Anyway, so since i'm typing, may as well give an update!

So whats happened this week? Well nothing too exciting.. was out with Heather again, we went to see "The Happening", not a bad film, not one i'd of paid to see.. but it's watchable.
My Friend Azrael (from Eve online) was in town, so we went out, hit a restaurant then a couple of pubs. Was a good laugh and all on his expenses form!

After several recommendations I'm also starting an Entourage. Seems decent. Anyone want to be in my entourage? I'm not rich or famous, or even all that pretty... but I make a mean spaghetti carbonara. Any takers?

Oh finally... one thing I really do have to say..
EVE Online just released another update, and the trailer is pure sex as usual. I recently decided to stop playing this... but jesus.. i'm thinking of going back... I mean seriously.. look at it.....

Anyway thats this update done and dusted.

Sunday 15 June 2008

Inside the fire...

Oh, yeah, another note.... New Disturbed Album is fan-f#$king Tastic...
Here's Inside the fire, the debut single from it!

Edit: ok appears they removed the original I had, so here's another!

Get me a transistor!

As you may imagine, things are pretty hectic over here right now as it's approaching the end of quarter 2, lots of people are leaving and we have a sh*t load of projects that are due for the next couple of months. So i'll keep this brief. Maybe.

Right well.. lets begin. Last weekend.. Iain's & Joanne's wedding at Cameron House!
Firstly, let me start by saying this is one place, I recommend EVERYONE tries to stay there at least once (the cost is a bit over the top, but I reckon it would be worth it).
It's a very nice setting, very expensive, but oh so worth it! Hell the staff are extra friendly and try to make sure your ok all the time! Anyway..

So yes, a thanks to Martin and Misha for letting me crash at theirs on my return, nice comfy couch in their Edinburgh flat. However, Saturday started with me trying to get my kilt etc sorted, after 4hrs of trying to get it pressed (as it was creased to hell), I was good to go!

So we decided to book 2 taxi's to take us all from the office out to West Calder where the bus would be picking us up. However, the Czech's had the nice idea to stop in a pub and get lots and lots of rounds in! Very good idea.. since it turned out it was £2.50 a pint (a bargin!). So 2hrs later the bus arrived and we were on our way! Of course we had to make several pit stops, I think on lookers had an amusing time watching a group of guys running from the bus into the nearest toilet/bush.

However, we arrived and it was photo time!
So left to right we have: Misha, Martin, Michael, Myself, Klara and Petr

(rest of my photo's will be on Flickr later people)

So we moved inside to the Great scots bar, relaxed with the other workies and started getting the drinks in. Now so I can give you guys an idea on prices. A stein of lager was £3.50, Magners was £4.50, Jack Daniels and Coke £6.50 or bog standard Malt whisky... £6.50 to £110 a NIP!

So needless to say, a very expensive night (most of us were armed with £100 each (minimum))

Nice buffet for the food, with a nice selection to choose from. There was even a chocolate fountain!

Lots of music and dancing to be had, they even played such great Scottish party hits as The Proclaimers "500 miles" and "The Bonny banks of Loch Lomond" (quite fitting for the location I guess!).

Anyway, other news. Well quite a bit really, lets start with the life changing stuff. I'm moving...

Yes, moving back into Edinburgh! Huzzah, since I've decided living on my own is boring, I've decided to flat share with an eve playing buddy of mine. So aiming for an August move, which also means i'll be Selling "The Predator" (My car for those who don't know!). Simply don't need it in the city and there's an abundance of public transport, and of course it's Edinburgh everything is there!

What else, been on more dates. Was out with another on wednesday, despite getting soaked going there (with the rain stopping when I arrived), and it starting and soaking me on the way back to my car.. I had a good time, so did she infact and we're going out again on Tuesday!

Otherwise, life is pretty quiet just now, trying to decide on the next holiday destination, was planning Australia to go visit my family there, but might go do some European Capitals!

Till next time!!

Sunday 1 June 2008


So as I lay in bed at my parents this morning, it's an absolutely fantastic day, in fact just from lying around outside yesterday... I have a pretty kick ass tan.

Anyway just a quick note, not much to report on this week. Next week I'll be at a wedding so maybe more next Sunday (and pictures.)

But back to today.. watched TV and found something that for some reason actually made me smile! Don't know what it is, but just something about this Irn Bru advert just makes you feel a bit more patriotic!

Enjoy :)