Sunday 25 May 2008

Welcome to the Social...

So, as most of you who talk to me and read this.. I'm now the proud owner of a Zune!
Also as many of you have asked.. "What's a zune?"

The Zune is essentially Microsofts verion of the Ipod, and well to be fair, it's probably a lot better!

Unfort. for us Euro's this is one device that we can't buy them here, the only option is to import (although saying that, a lot of people on Amazon do that and charge a fortune) or take a trip across the pond!

Anyway, so I have a black 8GB version, and just to show how small this device really is, here it is next to a ball point pen! Oh and to note it's 8mm thick!Inside the box:
-Headphones (pretty good headphones, but could be better)
-USB cable (charging cable and for data transfer)
-Instructions (who needs them?)
-Your Zune!!

As for the zune itself...
-Mp3 player
-FM Radio
- "The Social"

Pretty standard except for "The Social" thing, I have no clue what this is, except that it works over wireless. Apparently every time you play a song on your PC, or sync your Zune to update play data, that information is uploaded to Zune Social, so your friends can automatically see what you're listening to. All that data is collated and aggregated so you can see what's the most listened-to music, which users have listened to certain bands the most, etc.

They're also building a widget called the Zune Card with functions much like the Gamer Card on Xbox 360. The Zune Card can be embedded into your blog or "other social networking sites" to provide that constant stream of information where you want it displayed. No word on which sites they're working on building it for, but it was made clear that Facebook and My Space are priorities.

As for the device itself.. The screens is bright and clear, it can even be seen in the sun, which is a major issue i've had with previous mp3 players! As for audio quality it's pretty damm solid, i've used it constantly over the weekend and it's pretty damm good!

Edit: Welcome to the social... RvB style!

Saturday 17 May 2008

This can only mean trouble.. pictures!

So as for Frans demanding proof of my activities.. here we go!

So here we have the wonderul highlighter tower, I did manage to get another level on it before it fell apart!

Here we have the wonderful weather hitting across my lil car. One minute it was nice and sunny, perfect BBQ weather (hence the table and chairs), next this happens..

Finally.. we have the lil beast clocking 60,000miles...

There.. proof posted!

Sunday 11 May 2008

This can only mean trouble...

Ok, ignore the title, this can't really mean trouble.. or can it?!

So lets try and round up recent events (without pictures, yes truely sorry, but I forgot my damm bluetooth adapater (further argument of why I need a laptop)).

So as some of you are probably aware, Dom finished with me, what, like 2 weeks ago to this day? So what progress has been made in the world of Richard since?

Well I've been on 2 dates with 2 completely different chicks! Now someone claimed these are rebounds, but to be fair, long distance doesn't quite give you those drawbacks, namely due to the void of not actually having to see them on a daily basis. I've always known that long distance doesn't work and against my better judgement at the time, I went along with it. But anyway...

So on Sunday, I saw Kirsty, nice lass, spent 4hrs of walking and talking, oh and me getting dragged around shops. She's nice enough, but those 4hrs made me realise that she probably isn't right for me, however she seems really keen on me!?!

Friday, half day from work and then out wandering with Michelle, another nice lass, and another 4hrs of walking and talking around the great city that is Edinburgh! Except this time instead of shops, we took each other around pubs (unfort. I wasn't drinking, damm car). But apparently she's really keen on meeting me again as well, so must be doing something right, so maybe another date with her this week!

Work wise this week, nothing much, although I did construct a tower of highlighter pens.. I will post a picture of this later, it was quite a challenge! 3 guys from my dept have had job interviews, so things could be getting very quiet for us indeed.

Last week, had Peter, a friend from Eve Online vist, and then proceeded to take him on the turbo tour of Scotland! Starting off here in sunny Pitlochry, up to Fort William, down through GlenCoe (check my flickr for pictures of the Glen), down to Oban and then back across to Pitlochry... the whole day took roughly 8hrs.. so 8hrs of driving I was knackered. The next day he was departing back to Copenhagen, so before that, gave him a brief driving tour of Edinburgh (what we could get to, the tram works kinda limit where you can go without getting stuck in Traffic.) But it did stay nice, averaging about 20 deg C and the spotting of numerous Dutch Cars (Yes, we had to inform Frans of all the cars). After dropping him off and saying goodbye etc, it was off into the City for the date with Kirsty (see above).

Back to current events.. this weekend been kinda quiet. Yesterday, we had the sort of flash storm that you would expect in area's like Florida, one minute it was sunny and the next the rain just dropped out of the sky! So much so, that the bottom of my garden flooded!! Then followed by barrage of hail stones.. The first thing it reminded me of was Florida seriously.. Still, it didn't stop us firing up the BBQ for some tasty grub!

Today, well nothing too difficult, just writing this blog, informing my reader(s) (prove me wrong!) of my life and then enjoying the sunshine! I'll post the pictures at some point, but until then I shall you with yet another youtube video.. enjoy! (It's an old song.. but I love it)

Saturday 10 May 2008


I'll need to sum up 2 weeks or so later.. forgot the damm bluetooth adapter so I can't add photo's. Plus i'll prob have more to report on by then :D